BLOG#9: While We’re Talking About It

Today’s post is short, but significant. Like most, it is exhausting to continue to hear about this pandemic day after day.  Sadly, it is our reality for the foreseeable future, but we will get through this together, it may just take some time.

As we are practicing social distancing and binging documentaries about meth head tiger owners (and that damn Carol Baskin), there are still individuals on the front lines  fighting this “invisible disease” with every ounce of artillery that we have.

I’m not trying to preach safe social practices right now, we hear that enough. Hopefully you are doing this, please start if you haven’t, but that is not what this post is about.

Instead it is about the people…as it should always be.

With a shortage or supply-chain delay of personal protective equipment to many front line hospital workers across the country, fighting this dangerous enemy has become even more difficult than we initially thought.

Forget the politics side of all of this; I don’t care if you’re a red state, blue state or some really cool shade of purple state that hasn’t been founded yet—what I care about are the people.

Having a mother who is an ER nurse, isn’t the reason I’m writing this, but does keep the thought of safety in perspective quite often.

We live in a world where security, control and power are everything. That is probably why the United States Defense Department spends upward of 700 billion with a “B” dollars a year on keeping us safe (or at-least in 2019).

Now let me be clear—I am a bleeding-heart patriot who is eternally grateful for those who have served, currently serve and will serve long after me (I try to thank any one I come across that I find has served because their sacrifice is something most will never understand). I also currently have multiple family members and friends that are active in the military/have served over seas as well.

It is within this gratitude for our country that I am overwhelmed with a feeling of security; that we are always protected here in the good ole US of A.

Though, how do you protect against something that is invisible and can’t be stopped with guns and weaponry, let alone on American soil?

We’ve fought a lot of wars, but none within these boarders for over a century plus. It’s a positive that in this war we have a common enemy, but it seems it will take a different kind of soldier, with a different approach to defeat it. 

The United States Health Care System alone made 1.1 trillion dollars last year, valued at almost 4 trillion dollars in total (lets chat about the distribution of these assets another day). Why is this important though? It’s a different kind of artillery. A special weapon, that we have been training individuals in the background for generations to fight with.

We are so use to a soldier being painted as only an individual within our military, but the truth is, any individual fighting for life, making sacrifices while never giving up is the real definition of it—”soldier on” comes from the Roman Empire Army which literally means “never give up.”

During this Pandemic, I know we will never give up, especially on those soldiers within the front lines of these hospitals. And yes, they are soldiers, willing to go into the battle zones with a certain percentage of death each day they show up in these high-risk environments, so we need to start treating them like it.

That is why as of today, I am in full support that all front line medical professionals receive hazard pay across all medical facilities in the United States.

We’ve sounded the alarms, enacted emergency services and protocols, sheltered three fourths of civilians from leaving their homes and had the president declare a war against this virus; so let’s start acting like it.

We have a killer on the loose that no gun, seal team or bomb will eliminate. It’s time we start to recognize that to win this battle, a different kind of soldier waiting in the background to lend a helping hand is our new hope (I swear to god Star Wars fans, don’t even right now).

I believe there are a lot of individuals in a lot of different industries in this nation that are under appreciated, no doubt about that, but coming from a family of medical professionals, I can tell you health care workers are near the top of that list.

It’s human nature to seek value, but it takes love and compassion to give it.

Please do your part in any way that you can to fight this virus, even if that means chilling on your couch (with that damn Carol Baskin), giving those on the front lines a fighting chance.

Stay safe, stay positive, keep shining. We’ll get through this—together.



Blog #8: Zoom Zoom Zoom

No, this isn’t a 1998 Mazda Miata commercial, nor is it a promotion for the Disney Channel’s Zenon the Zequel, but rather an honest reminder.

Adjusting our lives for this pandemic hasn’t been the easiest, but we’ve all done our best to make it work. From online grocery shopping to virtual house parties, we’ve tried to find some kind of normalcy and sanity throughout these trying times.

Though, as we continue to navigate our daily routines, especially work, I’ve began to see individuals struggle with the adjustment offsite. Not shocking considering work is a place that the majority of us will spend 70% of our lives.

Personally, I’ve been remote freelancing, full time, for almost seven months now and even I can say this pandemic has been an adjustment from a work perspective. I think we all are looking for any tool to make this transition easier.

A few months ago, a friend in the financial industry mentioned that it may be wise to invest in this somewhat unknown telecommunication company by the name of Zoom. I agreed with the advice, but sadly never executed. Probably a poor decision on my part, but the discussion did plant a seed in my brain.

As the coming weeks progressed and the climate of society continued to shift, I began seeing this name pop up all over the place—Zoom—Zoom—Zoom. (Those Mazda commercial were catchy, weren’t they?)

I started to ask friends around the creative industry about this unknown company. Most said they had just began using it or their companies were considering switching over from Google to test it out; very few had previous experience.

After a little research and to my surprise, the company was actually very well known, with millions of users worldwide for almost a decade on the market.

Maybe I had been living in the Google/Apple bubble for too long, but one thing was certain, I wanted to learn more.

This past weekend I had my first chance to get some hands on experience with the application for a business meeting. Shockingly, the service was delightful. Seamless and simple, the ability to share one’s screen with little to no effort, made it a five-star rating in my book.

Though, as I begin to do more research in consideration to implement it into one of my businesses, I stumbled upon something that left me a bit uneasy. 

Sure, it has become a norm to allow most companies to access our data and share/sell it to third party advertisers etc; Facebook does it all the time, so why would it be shocking that a telecommunication company like Zoom wouldn’t?

Well, the truth is, they do. No shock there, but what is concerning is when you look beneath the surface (or as some would say the terms and conditions section).

After reading numerous articles from Consumer Reports and Forbes, my opinion changed (Here’s the full Forbes article if you’re interested). This somewhat harmless company that was helping millions of users around the world in their time of need, seemed to be benefiting way more than the actual users themselves (in my opinion).

From unorthodox data collection practices to privacy concerns, Zoom has left some consumers wondering if there is a safer way to approach these applications. Their policy says that no data is “sold,” but there is a fine line between shared and sold data.

The biggest read flag was brought up by an expert that Forbes interviewed. She goes on to say:

“They collect a potentially huge amount of personal data from accounts, calls made through the service and from scraping social profiles, but there’s no way to opt out of specific use purposes while continuing to use the service.”

By giving them access to your computer or phone with no way to opt out you are consequently giving them access to your life. So why is this so concerning?

Well, first the obvious—privacy and control. They have complete access to what they call “customer content.” This includes cloud recordings, instant/video messages, transcripts, documents and even the names of those on the call; to do with what they please as long as they don’t “sell” it.

Another issue that is worrisome is—security. Government department/officials, private corporations and confidential information is constantly being shared on this medium. This not only gives them access to it, but copies for their records. 

Lastly, most don’t have a choice in the say of what service is used within their company. This puts potential people and information at risk without giving them a say.

The good news—you can still take a proactive approach when using applications like Zoom. From turning off your mic when you’re not using it to giving limited access to what they are able to see, there are still things we can do to protect ourselves, it just takes a little vigilance, similar to the situation that we are all in now.

Hopefully Zoom will take a look and consider a change to their policies in the future, though as we continue to stay in this quarantined state, take a moment to analyze your privacy and make sure you aren’t subjected to any harmful operations.

I think Zoom is a great application especially in the current situation that so many are currently in, but personally I would think twice before using it again/sharing my information.

Sure, we are all looking for the right fit for our current needs, but is effortless accessibility greater than our overall privacy and security? Is quick and easy really worth it? I believe we’ve been asking those questions to ourselves for the past few years and so far the clear answer has been—Zoom—Zoom—Zoom.

Stay safe out there.



Blog#7: Spring Cleaning

I hate excuses, and here’s mine. I usually post at night, but have decided to start posting earlier in the day. Mainly because I find myself being more productive, but also because I’ve been spring cleaning all day and won’t have time to finish tonight’s post. Sorry for the inconvenience, but my garage and closet can finally breathe.

More magic to come. Keep shining!


BLOG#6: Bean Me Up, Johnny

Addiction is something that should never be taken lightly, though this is more of a lighthearted side of one of my love affair obsessions. If you know someone struggling with addiction please give them the love and support that they need, every person is fighting a battle we know nothing about. Please be kind.

Over 15% of Americans have what some scholars would refer to as an addictive personality, I would say I definitely fall into that category. Usually most things with me are amplified, which require a certain form of restraint to not fall overboard.

Luckily, things like drugs and alcohol don’t really tickle the prefrontal cortex in my brain, but rather things like growth mindset, food and even sports do. Though, I’m addicted to my growth, I’m interested in how I can help those grow around me as well.

Competitive in nature, any one that has competed against me knows “one more” blank will usually come out of my mouth at some point. This specific addiction is something I believe most readers may find (as one of my good friends always says) RELATABLE.

My father use to tell me stories of his childhood, back in the days when it wasn’t so uncommon to have two houses conjoined with your grandparents. He spoke of a time when each morning he would run down to see his grandfather as he was pouring a fresh pot of coffee. Only at five or six years old, my father would set at the table as my great grandfather would pour him an espresso cup of coffee with a little whiskey to top it off. Starting them early, but right to sleep soon there after.

I love that story because just like my father’s experience with his grandfather, mine was quite similar as well. I’m not sure if this was a generational thing or just simply Italians being Italians, but either way, a different time to say the least.

I remember it like it was yesterday, myself barely big enough to reach the kitchen table, but old enough to have a cup of that sweet nectar from the gods. Except back then, I took a lot of cream and sugar. Though, I still barely can reach the table (who would have thought giving coffee to a child would stunt his growth)…I guess all 5’6 of me, on a good day, could have dominated the NBA, but I guess that’s something we’ll never know.

As probably most of you are familiar with, Italian families associate everything with food. The core of it all is woven through tradition, respect and loyalty. You never say no, but thank you. Already ate dinner, here’s some eggplant parmesan as a second course—thank you. I made you a homemade itchy sweater for your school pictures—thank you. Have another cannoli—thank you.

It was during this “thank you” phase of my adolescence that I slowly began to tango with my arabica goddess. My grandfather and I would set at the table drinking coffee for hours as he would read the stock market reports, and myself, the prestigious Garfield comics.

We had so many great memories, with my introduction to coffee being one of them. I can’t really look at a cup of coffee anymore without thinking of him. It has been only a few months since his passing and I still find myself struggling with the adjustment. I know time heals all, but it’s never easy. As each day goes by, I try to look at each cup as a moment of celebration for him, it seems silly, but somewhat of a salute to one of the greats.

As a writer, my body usually consists of—70% water, 20% meat/vegetables, 10% cheese and 100% coffee. With some morning thunder coursing through my veins, I’m able to conquer anything. But each day, I became more and more unaware of my actions and transgressions. One cup turned into three, and then three cups became six, next thing you know I’m on my tenth cup of a “soccer mom speedball” (Slang I picked up at an exclusive coffee bar from some hardcore baristas. Okay that’s a lie, I heard it at Starbucks once at 3am).

It was after these unintentional ten cups of jet fuel that I realized that maybe my intermittent chest pains weren’t from my heart condition, but the coffee overwhelming my system. It then hit me—maybe I’m addicted to the liquid from the gods. So I decided to take this self-awareness as a time to reflect and be more mindful of my actions.

As of almost three weeks ago, I have been coffee free. It doesn’t sound like much, but to someone who can only function with liquid gold in his system, it’s a start. I will drink coffee again someday, but in moderation, though I’m not sure when that day will be.

I can only assume that next cup of joe will feel euphoric, rushing through my body, setting my neurons on fire, similar to a UFO beaming you up to the mothership to give you all the answers to life. (If you think this is crazy, just wait until I start talking about consciousness and intelligent life in future posts)

The transition was difficult at first, but I have accepted this new norm of caffeine sobriety. Though, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I miss having coffee with my favorite person. It’s funny how we associate people with different things, know matter how much time has passed, they’re always there.

I look forward to the next time we share a cup, as well as that next salute. Bean me up, Johnny.




One more thing:

I’ve been really counting my blessings lately. Not just because of everything that is going on right now, but because I have been thinking of all the generations that have sacrificed before us.  We stand on the backs of those who sacrificed everything so that we would have everything. Whether, your family sacrificed here or wherever your origins may be blessed to be from, take a moment to appreciate the love that lead everything to you. You are magic, never forget that.

Blog#5: Wash Your Hands

Today is National Ravioli Day, as an Italian American I consider this a day of rest, so no blog this evening. But it’s always a good time to remind ourselves to wash our hands.

Have a great weekend. Keep shining, keep smiling and order some raviolis when you get a chance, you deserve it.


Blog#4: Spring Forward

Spring forward, fall back—a classic line to remember daylight saves. A simple reminder to ground ourselves in a moment of change, and lately, I’ve been feeling it a little extra, as I’m assuming most have.

Now, I know we already moved the clocks forward a few weeks back, but it never really feels like a change till that first day of spring. When the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming and a crisp, fresh spring breeze catches you by surprise. It is in this moment, that a sense of rebirth is in the air and is somewhat contagious.

I am definitely a man who believes in symbolism and spring is no different. To me—life, the earth and quite possibly consciousness are all about death and new life. A hypnotic rhythm that stands the test of time (depending on your definition of time) that leads to an ascendents of growth and cleansing. I believe we project our environment into our day to day lives. Whether, it’s frustratingly being quarantined in our homes or celebrating a birthday out on the town, our environment dictates so much.

Though, this spring is different, not just for me, but for all of us. I REALLY hate talking about the coronavirus for the simple fact that it’s all we breathe 24/7, literally and figuratively. As much darkness and death that we are surrounded by in these trying times, I believe there is a shining light at the end of this tunnel.

We are literally in the season of rebirth. I know each and every one of us are struggling in our own ways, whether it’s trying to keep food on the table, hustling to keep a business from capsizing or simply making sure our loved ones are calm and unanxious during these uneasy moments. It’s a lot, there’s no way to sugarcoat it. But even after all these frustrations, we will rise. That’s because that’s what we do. We’ve made it this far as a species and we’ll do it again, one step at a time (even if those steps are you pacing in your living room like myself).

I’m speaking right now, not represented by just my last name, or the flag that flies outside of my home, but as a human. We will get through this—together. It will take a team effort, but there is no doubt that we still have a lot of magic to spread throughout this world before we see our final days (or before the aliens at least wipe our memories again).

It’s weird though, I get it, a lot of people don’t want to be believe or be inconvenienced by all of this. Some are buying every roll of toilet paper they can get their hands on to help themselves cope and others think this is all a big waste of time, a hoax propped up by the media. A lot of people on a lot of spectrums, but one thing is constant, we all want the coronavirus out of our lives. We want our sports, social gatherings and daily routines back. We want to forget this ever happened. Though, I think to have those back we are going to need to approach all of this a little differently. We are going to need to work together, no matter the political party, personal or religious view. We need to be more empathetic to one another.

Honestly, I’m not freaking out, but I am concerned. I’m concerned for my family that has been on lockdown in Italy for the past two weeks as friends around them are dying. I’m concerned for my mother who is an ER nurse that is the first line of defense against this thing. I’m concerned for the well being of my girlfriend, friends and family whether they’re taking it serious or not. And I’m concerned for my own health with two pre-existing conditions. I believe the only way to fight this is to be honest and vigilant, whether we like it or not.

I think things are different these days because people’s actions effect more than just themselves. Sadly, you no longer just hold your own life in your hands, but others. Quite the responsibility for any individual, but not an impossible task with a little restraint. 

Truthfully, as a person that has been around the medical field my entire life, it is crazy to see something of this magnitude shine a light on a system that has needed an upgrade for so long. Let alone, appreciate those that risk their lives everyday, even if we don’t hear their names in the media.

I know this isn’t easy, and I know there’s a lot out of our control right now, but the one thing we can control is ourselves and our mindset. So stay positive, we’ll get through this. Consider using this unexpected time as a moment to reset. Take care of yourself and finally sleep in because the weekends have been way too busy. As a person who is always running and gunning, I can tell you first-hand, it’s been an adjustment, but a positive one. I believe we will be stronger because of this, like spring, we’ll begin to bloom and grow as we enter the next chapters of our lives.

Just as the seasons pass, so will this. Stay safe, stay vigilant, spring forward.



BLOG #3: Maximum Wattage, TB to TB & More

This isn’t going to be a long post, but an important one to say the least. That is because today was the OFFICIAL first day of NFL free agency. To some this means nothing, but to me it’s the beginning of next season for the Steelers—so of course I’m freaking out!!!

After one of the weirdest years of football, it will be incredible to see number seven back on the field in pursuit of Lombardi number seven. Though, we still have a long ways until September football, I feel a certain type of magic brewing in the Steel City.

With one of the best defenses I’ve seen in almost fifteen years, and a future hall of famer with some gas left in the tank, I truly believe this could be the Steelers’ year.

No, I’m not proclaiming a Super Bowl victory just yet, but even with the draft and training camp still ahead of us, something is starting to feel different. Additional needs addressed during the draft will confirm my gut feeling. My wish list barring any changes during free agency—WR, LB, OL, S, DL, CB in that order (won’t be shocked if they take TE/RB/OL early, though QB would be a bit of a shock).

Also, hopefully after the signing of TJ Watt’s pro bowl brother, that’ll convince his older pro bowl brother to join Pittsburgh, thus giving the Steelers maximum Wattage to harness the Thanos football gauntlet to destroy the rest of the NFL….He’s not leaving Houston, but a man can dream.

Today was a crazy one wasn’t it? TB to TB, Cam being pushed out of Carolina (the disrespect is real), Foles to the Bears and so much more. And of course the Steelers being the Steelers signing a long snapper, fullback and offense linemen. Love those pick ups, but sad to see Finley, Hargrave and Nix go.

I will probably get a ton of shit for saying this, but I am excited to see who New England picks up at QB, if anyone. Yes, Tom Brady is great (don’t tell anyone I said that), but I always looked at him as a systems QB. Sure, he kicked the Steelers ass many times, but if we would have guarded tight ends with our eyes open I think this would be a different story. Yes, Jesse James caught it and yes, Tom picked us a part many times, but I don’t think he’s the goat (story for another day). Though, I’m excited to see if he proves me wrong and lights up Tampa.

It’d be an understatement to say I’m excited for this season and will probably write a lot more about it in the coming months, but I do need to vent a few things out before I go.

Is all this Le’Veon hype for real or hot air? I’ll be honest, I don’t want to see James Conner go, love that guy, but if he can’t stay healthy, I have a feeling he may be out the door. Does that open up the possibility for a reunion with 26? I’m not sure we can afford it, but I’m intrigued to see how things play out.

Will we draft Hurts in the third? I like Mason, not sold on him yet, but there’s still a lot of football to be played. Hurts, could be Slash 2.0 (for all you Gen Zs look up a guy by the name of Kordell Stewart) or maybe that’s just wishful thinking. Either way, I wouldn’t mind some good healthy competition behind Ben.

With the new CBA passing, does that open the door for a return by Martavis Bryant? I know the short answer is no, he had multiple chances and flushed them away. But I do think he had a connection with Ben and they were fun to watch. I know we are in need of a solid veteran fifth receiver so maybe never say never?

I’m sure there will be a lot more to talk about, but I’m just happy football is back, even if it is just a quarantined Wednesday on the first day of signings.



BLOG #2: Lemons, Lymes and the diet that accidentally saved my life.

Let me be clear—the coronavirus is no joke, but that is not what this post is about. Instead, I’d like to touch a little on my personal experience with infectious diseases and how a negative diagnosis can lead to a shockingly positive outcome.

A few years ago, 2016 to be exact, I received a call while setting in a Firestone waiting room in North Miami Beach. To my surprise, it was my doctor calling to let me know that I had tested positive for Lymes Disease.

Completely bewildered and utterly shocked, I was speechless. I had been fatigued with on and off headaches for months, but had contributed it to poor sleeping habits and improper stretching after the gym.

My PCP confirmed that it was in fact the infectious disease that runs rancid throughout Pennsylvania and that he wanted to closely monitor my status while still living out of state.

For those wondering, Lymes Disease is a multi-systemic, tick-borne bacterium illness that is caused by a bite from an infected black-legged tick. There are a lot of taboo opinions surrounding Lymes. Not so much about where it comes from, but what happens to it once the bacteria is in the body.

Some say the bacteria lives dormant within the blood forever, even after taking antibiotics to wipe it out. Others say that you can only get it from a tick that lives on a deer. Some even go as far to say that you don’t have it unless you have a red bullseye rash on your body. And the most common questionable opinion surrounding Lymes Disease is—Chronic Lymes Disease, also known as, Post Lymes Disease Syndrome, an alleged condition that say Lymes symptoms persist long after antibiotics are given. 

Lymes is very common in Western Pennsylvania, but not exclusive to the area. It’s very treatable, but can be fatal if not given attention. Luckily, I was given a strong course of doxycycline (antibiotic) early enough that the doctor thought I wouldn’t have any further issues.

At the time, I was lead to believe that Lymes would live in my body forever and that there was a twenty percent chance that I could have symptoms persist later in life, possibly for the rest of my life.

The thought of being a prisoner to a disease that could pop up at any point in time and wreak havoc on my body was terrifying. Like most, it’s frustrating, and in that moment, I decided to go on the offensive. The element of surprise was no longer there, but I had to be strategic.

I’ve always had a positive outlook on when life gives you lemons you make lemonade, but what about when it gives you Lymes?

It was during that poorly constructed analogy that I realized I would have to start at the foundation. Like most infectious diseases, the battle grounds live on the immune system’s playing field. Sure, diseases like Lymes can effect and even rewire the nervous and neurological system, but all begins in the immune system.

I met and spoke with numerous doctors, specialists, and any credible source that could help me find a way to edge up the competition. And the overwhelming advice given was—a good defense is a better offense.

To my surprise, the best defense had only three plays in its playbook, but powerful nonetheless:




Three things that sound rudimentary, but have exponential benefits. As I studied each play in this even weirder analogy than the last, I discovered something incredible—barring a few rare conditions, we have so much control over our immune health.

With sleep and exercise being somewhat self explanatory, I’d like to dive into the aspect of one’s diet. It is not only about WHAT you eat, but WHEN. The immune system consists of organs, cells, tissues, and proteins all in need of vitamins and minerals high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that are found in most fruits and vegetables.

Though, beyond traditional diets, I stumbled upon an effective secret that I never would have considered trying—intermittent fasting.

Google defines intermittent fasting, also known as intermittent energy restriction, as an umbrella term for various meal timing schedules that cycle between voluntary fasting and non-fasting over a given period. Three methods of intermittent fasting are alternate-day fasting, periodic fasting, and daily time-restricted feeding.

I was raised to try and always eat three meals a day, but what if I told you reorganizing your eating schedule, whether it’s consuming more or less, could boost your immune system?

Many use this secret as a weight loss tool, but it is as strong or even stronger at building a healthy immune system. It’s simple, when we fast, we lower our white blood cell counts, which in turn, trigger the immune system to start producing new white blood cells. It completely regenerates the entire immune system, in a large portions of cases, even in the elderly.

It was through this revolutionary discovery that I decided to begin my full on assault against Lymes. Shockingly enough, it worked…or so I thought. 

Fast forward four years later, three weeks ago. I find myself setting in another waiting room, not Firestone this time, but rather John Hopkins Infectious Disease ward. I couldn’t help, but let my mind wander as I waited to see one of the top three Lymes Disease Specialists in the world.

Was my Lymes back? I had felt like complete shit for six months, but with a few new additional symptoms. I was retested for it a few months prior to the visit with somewhat inaccurate results leaving me on edge. 

During the visit, the doctor was everything I had hoped for and more—incredible. After talking for over an hour my mind was blown away. 

Remember all those taboo opinions I mentioned earlier surrounding Lymes? Well, at Hopkins, they’re not so much about opinions as they are facts and research so I want to set the record straight for any one with questions about Lymes.

-Do you need to have a bullseye rash to have it? No.

-Does it have to be a tick that has lived on only a deer? No.

-Does the bacteria live in my blood after I’ve taken the antibiotics? No.

-Can the ELISA test (Lymes Disease determination test) give false positives? Yes, in a lot of cases there isn’t enough data to point to confirmation.

-Is there such thing as Chronic Lymes Disease? NO!


Though, after being blown away by this knowledge bomb, I became confused. Being under the impression that I could have had this made up disease that physicians still to this day consider a real thing, means that I was never at risk of having Lymes Disease symptoms in the first place? The specialist agreed.

So all that research, intermittent fasting, regular sleep cycle resting, and exercise was all for nothing? She strongly disagreed. She felt it was all a blessing in disguise that lead myself to condition a positive immune health routine. My favorite response of hers was “healthy routines save lives.” I didn’t realize it before, but she was right.

Sure, she’s still concerned with my current symptoms and has suggested she stay on as my PCP til it is all figured out. Though, she mentioned something that has really stuck with me—routine. Probably, partially the reason I’m trying to blog every day this coming year. But to me this all seems to be even more adamant with the current climate of our society and health crisis.

A healthy routine, immune related or in general, leads to positive outcomes. Of course, some will be silver-linings like this story, but as we tackle this coronavirus I can’t help, but think a healthy routine, no matter the motive benefits everyone.

As we all walk hand-in-hand into the unknown in the coming weeks or months I think something to keep us motivated as painfully boring and frustrating as the times may be, is to remind ourselves that “healthy routines save lives.” I think we need to remember that now more than ever.




Something has changed. I don’t know if it’s another full revolution around the sun or myself eternally freaking out being one year closer to thirty, but something is different. I’ve had this thought pestering my mind for a while now and feel I’m finally ready to share.

For the past two years, for all intents and purposes, I’ve gone radio silent. From online interactions and engagement to socializing with those in my life—I’ve shut everyone out. I fell into a black hole; not so much depression as it was regression.

I’ve battle many demons in my life, as do most, but for myself, one has overshadowed the rest—health.

It’s not just something that has affected my day-to-day quality of life, but it’s also affected my work. I went from speeding up the mountain side shifting into fifth gear, to down-shifting into third as the check engine light began to flash.

If you know me, you understand I don’t shy away from interaction or conversation quite often. Though, throughout this time, I’ve let it get the best of me. More exhaustion than complacency, but nonetheless not an excuse. 

I’ve always had the mentality to keep pushing and save the pity party for the birds. There are plenty of people dealing with so much more, and I just can’t persuade myself to burden others with my problems. Though, one day recently I became very frustrated. I realized people struggling with more pressing matters than mine were accomplishing twice as much as I was. They weren’t letting their problems slow them down, no matter the obstacle, but rather speeding up. I’ve always been one to look to others for motivations, instead of replication. It was in this moment, I realized my pursuit towards this unattainable accomplishment had nothing to with health or restrictions, but had everything to do with my routine. So I’ve decided to start there.  

I try to live a healthy, mindful lifestyle. Though, it has come to my attention that I can do so much more. From writing, expanding the grey matter in my brain and becoming an overall better person, the only remedy I see fit is to push myself to the limits and beyond.

So, today I decided to begin a new journey. I don’t really do the whole new years resolution thing; I believe a person will change when they are ready to change, no amount of gym memberships will fix that. Instead, at the beginning of each year I try to focus on one aspect of life and critique the hell out of it. For six years I’ve done this:





2018—Listen to understand, rather than listening to respond


2020—Share with a PURPOSE

For year seven I want to do something special. I want to share with a purpose. The past six years, I’ve given you all, but a minor key-hole perspective. Now I want to open the floodgates.

After numerous eternal arguments, I’ve decided to blog every day for a year (Minus federal holidays, religious days of rest, the Olympics, national pie day and weekends). I’ve never stopped writing, but I closed the door on you entirely and that wasn’t right.

I was going to make this year only about my internal purpose, until it dawned on me; the relentless pursuit of purpose is meaningless without someone to share it with. 

“My purpose is my priorities and my priorities are my people.”

It’s something I say quite often, more than a saying, but in all honesty, a way of life. Sharing with an unequivocal purpose gives beautiful meaning and perspective in the right context.

As I get older, I find myself growing more loving and yet more cynical; I’m not sure why. Though, I can’t conjure that people really give two shits about what I’m doing in every waking hour of my day. So I’ve decided to share what I think would resonate, uplift and hopefully, inspire. From the creative industry, sports rants, career obstacles, personal experiences, why you should never give a mouse a cookie and so much more. I’ve always been a big believer that to grow you have to be entirely, utterly vulnerable and that is this. 

I haven’t prepared any samples prior to now, so this is going to force me to really share whole heartedly in the moment. I look forward to the challenge and the time management ahead, though I’d be a liar if I didn’t say I’m scared shitless right now. 

I think some write for work and others for therapy; I’m probably doing a bit of both. So if you’re interested, you’re welcome to join me on this adventure. Not saying there won’t be bumps along the road, but if I can’t give you an hour a day now, I never will.

Well, here goes nothing.






A special thanks to George Tannenbaum; one of my favorite writers. His ability to write/blog almost everyday for a decade plus is one of the inspirations that has fueled my will to do this. I was fortunate to chat with him a few times while in New York; those moments have really stuck with me. Maybe this writing journey I’m about to embark on will last a decade plus like George—Who knowns, maybe even longer.

The Escape Artist

Harry Houdini, the greatest escape artist of all time once said—Throughout all, my brain is the key to set my mind free. Makes sense for a man who spent his life running from the inevitable. Though, Harry makes a great point, I believe this is only half of the story.

The greatest distance in the world for any relationship is not from one side of the globe to the other, but rather the 14 inches from the top of your head to the middle of your chest. The mind—the most powerful. The heart—Devine. Both are needed, yet both believe they are the most important. I’ve always believed an open heart is an open mind, both working seamlessly together when on the same page, but sadly it’s not that easy.

See the Heart and the Brain have something in common, they both have very special, yet different gifts. Th Brain was given the gift to see the future, to show you the way, somewhat like a navigational application on your phone—always showing you what is coming next. Your Heart, a lot like a beacon, shows you the direction, the light house to bring you ashore. See the Hearts gift may be the most special, this is because the Heart is able to feel. I’m not talking about the kind of sensation where you stub your toe and scream out in pain, but rather the kind of feeling that radiates to your inner core, to the fabric of your very existents and reality. Kind of heavy, right? That’s because it is. The Heart is able to feel others on a multitudinous level that sometimes the individual themselves cannot even experience, but yet the Heart protects us from what/who we need in life, rather than what we want. To quote the timeless classic, dude wheres my car:

“Its mystery is only exceed by its power.” (Yes, a dude where’s my car reference in 2017, we need some classic comedy our lives, alright?)

Though, the Brain is the most powerful, the Heart will always be the most important. In ever aspect of life our Heart is guiding us in whatever endeavors we decide to focus on, though there’s one problem…we can only grow in these aspects within our Heart once we embrace and make room for them. A bit different than your routine Spring cleaning.

See the Mind is rational, it analyzes situations/people to make the most calculated and strategic decision’s to best suit our future, the Heart on the other hand has different plans. The Heart, so pure, yet so true, focuses on the most important, Love. Not just the kind of love that makes you goo goo eyes over someone, but a love that has no boundaries or definition. The kind of love that feels the light of others wherever you go, the kind of love that makes you want to make this world a better place and truly mean it. See this is where Harry and I differ, yes I believe a person mindset is key to setting themselves free, but I also believe that there is nothing more influential in this world than love. Though, with love comes its pesky friend, fear.

See fear is going to play a part in your life, how big of a role you give it is up to you. As opposite as these two sound they are actually quite alike, though have completely different outcomes. I’ve always been a big believer that if you’re not scared, it isn’t worth it. That walking into fear is more beneficial then running away from it, but it’s complicated. I could tell you how walking into fear takes you out of your comfort zone, which in turn gives you the greatest opportunity to grow, but that is a story for another day.

Today, fear is a prime example of why we must embrace love. Too often we run scared of uncertainty and fear, our heart tells us yes, but our mind tells us no. We are terrified to embrace what feels right, because of uncertainty, because of the unknown, because of fear. The problem is too often things feel somewhat right in our lives, but we pull our best Houdini impression before it can come to fruition. We escape the uncertainty so we don’t have to bother and acknowledge what lies on the other side. We’re afraid we’ll get hurt, not be good enough, fall into a rough patch and struggle—anything and everything to not grow into who we were meant to be. The Mind rationally weighs our options, determining the safest choice. Though, the Heart has no time for safety, the Heart only cares about what’s real, what we need. A much wiser man once told me:

“There will only be a few moments in your life where you’ll know 100% what to do because it just feels right. Everything will just make sense. Crazy to most, it will seems right because it is completely real.”

That in and of itself is the answer—Love is real. The Heart understands this, because the Heart is this. It’s real.  It’s raw. It knows exactly what we need and crave. It just comes down to being courageous and willing to take those leaps of faith to listen to our Hearts.

Real is rare. In a world where everyone seems to be so infatuated on being someone else, our heart reminds us what is important, who is important and what we need to do. Whether you’re a hopeless romantic/dreamer like myself or simply a skeptic—our Hearts will always talk to us, it’s just whether we choose to listen. I think the problem with being the escape artist these days is that you’re always running and never embracing. To truly embrace the realness and love, we have to be completely, totally, vulnerable. Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure. Though, it’s difficult being vulnerable, being completely open to everything including pain and suffering. But I think thats the beautiful part about it, when nothing is certain, anything is possible. Fear will always be there, but so will Love.

The past few weeks I’ve felt my life begin to drastically shift. Scaring me half to death with moments of uncertainty and doubt that have lead me to consider asking myself that question I swore I’d never ask. Though, through a heavy amount of reflection and mediation I’ve realized the doubting and running must end.  I’m done being scared of being completely devastated. I’m done embracing Houdini. Recently, I’ve been having that feeling I spoke about before on how everything is starting to feel right and that I’m exactly where I need to be. I see now that this scary feeling isn’t bad, but rather a positive indicator that my comfort zone is long ways away, so I must walk blinded into the darkness of the night and start to believe.

Putting ones self completely and honestly out there in the most vulnerable situations of  life is terrifying, but when given time to blossom, becomes something more beautiful than we could ever imagine.

What I look at everyday:

“You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world, you will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.”

There are many things in this life that your Mind will make you run from, don’t let your Heart be one of them.
